Not photo related, BUT these are AMAZING chocolate chip cookies!!!

Hey everyone!! I figured I would take a break from some of my photography posts and just put in a little personal one. I found this recipe I had gotten from a family friend of my husband and made them yesterday and they are SO GOOD!! Plus, the recipe I swear makes enough for like 6 dozen cookies! I’ve probably had a dozen myself just since yesterday and the batter alone is also yummy!

If you love chocolate chip cookies as much as me, you just HAVE to make these – and I would suggest in a kitchenAid mixer or something as large since there will be a LOT of cookie dough!! Recipe below: Leave a comment letting me know what you think of the recipe if you make them!!

The ULTIMATE Must-Have Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe:

1 c. butter

½ c. Crisco (I used butter flavored)

1½ c. sugar

1½ c. brown sugar

*Beat top four ingredients until fluffy.

*Add in:

3 large eggs, one at a time
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3 tsp. Vanilla

*Mix until well blended, then add:

3½ c. flour

1½ tsp. Salt

1½ tsp. Baking soda

Chocolate chips (I dumped over a whole bag in!)

*Bake at 350° for chewy or 375° normal. (I baked mine at 375) for 9-11 minutes, or until just goldne brown.

*Leave cookies on the pan for a few minutes to cool before removing or they will literally fall apart! Cool on a wire rack or eat right away while warm and gooey :).

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