E.J & Tom// Platteville Seniors 2014 // Platteville Senior Photographer

I was contacted by E.J’s mom a week before Thanksgiving about her son’s senior session – the yearbook deadline was December 1st and the photographer they had lined up with earlier fell through and they were in a pinch. Thankfully, I had a few openings to squeeze him in before heading to MN for Thanksgiving with my family and we were excited we were able to make it work. E.J’s friend Tom also needed his photos done before the deadline so we made it a double session for the two of them. The day before Thanksgiving, we met downtown in the warehouse district and alternated between the two of them throughout the session – allowing them the rest their smiles in between turns :). Both moms came with as well and we all had a blast getting to know one another and exploring the Millwork District area. I just have to add how I loved that they both showed up in plaid!

We took a few outside but it was short lived when we all started to freeze in the brisk November air (Mostly me ha!) That night I stayed up until 2am finishing their sessions for them before the holiday weekend so that they could share their images with their family and friends. I also decided to stay until the 1st up in MN so they needed to get done before I left anyways :). It was great fitting in two more seniors before the end of the year – I absolutely love senior sessions and look forward to the Class of 2015 already!

E.J & Tom, remember that your senior year will go by much faster than you think and to have fun during your last year as a high school student! Only bigger and better things are ahead in your future – Embrace it!
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