Clayton // Dubuque Senior 2014 // Dubuque Senior Portrait Photographer

Meet Clayton, a senior at Dubuque Senior High and a member of their football team! I had a great time hanging out with him and his family, who tagged along during his session for a few quick family photos at the end! We started at the football field to get some of Clayton in his jersey which I think turned out awesome! I’ve never been to the football field there before and makes my hometown high school field up in Minnesota look like junior high :). We then took off for downtown and took some of Clayton with his awesome yellow car – I LOVE the bold, yellow contrasted with the older warehouse district. Perfect combo. We wanted to end up at Eagle Point Park where the leaves were still hanging on and the sun was just beginning to set. I’d like to think we squeezed in as much variety as we could in the hour we had for his session.

Best of luck with your senior year, Clayton! Next semester will fly by and before you know it, college will be starting up! It was great meeting you!
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